Portland Police Department Shares Message About Date Rape Drugs
A few weeks after an incident in which a woman believed she was given a drink that was drugged at a Portland bar and recent reports of five other women suspecting they were drugged in Saco, the Portland Police Department posted a cautionary message on their Facebook page.
They shared an informative graphic showing just how quickly the symptoms of four date rape drugs can onset, some within just 5 minutes while others can have effects that last for up to 12 hours.
Portland Police say they get a handful of reports from victims who suspect they were drugged by something in their drink. Their advice is to seek immediate medical attention if you believe you or someone else you know was drugged.
They also list ways to be pro-active when you are out, such as never leaving your drink unattended, not accepting drinks from people you don't know and going out with friends and watching out for one another.
The root of the problem is those that drug people's drinks, but following the Portland Police department's advice will give you the knowledge you need to prevent them from getting the chance.
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