WATCH: Heartfelt Thank You from the Maine Vet Gone Viral
After we shared Jeff Paradis of South Monmouth's incredibly moving video earlier this week, we received this message of gratitude from him. Jeff wrote
"Thanks so much man you have no idea how much this means to me. I just checked the views, it's at 244000."
Now the views of this powerful viral video are half a million! So much silly stuff goes viral and that's all fine and well. But, we really love it when something as important as bringing awareness to the needs of our veterans catches fire.
Our hero Jeff Paradis took to Facebook with a response video to let us all know how much he appreciates everyone spreading the word.
Above all, Jeff wants you to remember this.
"That person staring back at you every f-in' day, YOU'RE F-IN' WORTH IT!"
Veterans and family members can get help by calling the Veterans Crisis Line at 1-800-273-8255.