Maine Cartoon Sequel Premieres This Friday [VIDEO]
We've loved these cartoons since Meat Recall, their first one that went viral in 2013! That was our first introduction to early versions of the lead characters we've come to know as, Green Bud Kelly and his apprentice Atom. Since then, we've followed them on their Maine adventures as they get whatever work they can.The episodes feature everything from handyman jobs at summer homes for snobby people (probably from away) to hunting down zombie seals. The super talented Portland animators at O'Chang Comics have released 11 Temp Tales cartoons so far and are over 1.8 million views on YouTube. Their latest highly anticipated episode, Crittah Gittahz II will premiere this Friday (Oct. 23) in Rockport. Hanji and Atom O'Chang, the series' creators will be there too. This will the first of 3 premieres for the follow to last year's Crittah Gittahz.