The wildly popular animated Maine series, Temp Tales is back with a new episode for us to watch as we unwind from shovelin' out after our first big storm of the year.
You may have noticed that the colder air is back this week. That should be a big help to getting the top layers out there solid enough to venture on to. However, our friends at the National Weather Service in Gray remind us that "Ice is never 100% safe."
2021 is off to a much better start now that we have confirmation of the release of the 4th episode of The Great Lost Strain. What the frig ya waiting for? Let's get after it!
O'Chang Comics consistently take us into a world of wicked dubbahs that are chuggin beers, puffin' bowls, and sometimes finishin' the job...
Watch this delightfully disturbing dance from Crittah. We must warn you that the holiday balls are swingin'. Proceed with caution. This is rated "Probably NSFW".
O'Chang Comics really nails it. When there's a scene in my hometown of Augusta, I felt like I was actually strolling down Gage Street from Capitol Park up to the Memorial Bridge.
The 3rd installment in the 2020 "The Great Lost Strain" series will be released the day after Halloween on Sunday November 1. Here's the new trailer to get you right pumped up, guy.
If you are feeling like there's no fun left in the world this summer, our good friends at O'Chang Comics in Rockland are here to rescue us from boredom with hilarious new cartoons loaded with wicked dirty Mainah talk.
These hilarious Maine cartoons take us into a world of wicked dubbahs that are chuggin beers, puffin' bowls, and sometimes gettin' the job done. Either these guys are you, or you know someone just like 'em.
In this now classic episode of Temp Tales that we are spotlighting today, Bud and Adam are doing a painting job on Maine's fictional Fantasy Island. Now watch out because they use true wicked Mainah language like jibbah, sh*tpokes, and burgly, gurgly, gurglers.
Either these guys are you, or you know someone just like 'em. Alright, let's get after it. Here's comes the just released first episode in The Great Lost Strain mini-series.
Donny is back with a wicked funny new Public Service Announcement created by O'Chang Comics. If you grew up in Maine, we’re pretty sure that this guy sounds just like your fah-thah or grand fah-thah. Jeezum crowbah bub, maybe this guy is you
With the Great State of Maine's 200th Birthday coming next year, we can't think of a better way to show our pride than with these wicked hilarious t-shirts created by our friends at O'Chang Comics.