Hello Monday! How Do YOU Wake Up? [VIDEO]
When you do a Morning Show on the radio, you really, really have to be on time. Otherwise there's A LOT of dead air. And that's a bad thing. So I set up several different alarms..at different times...in different locations in my bedroom, to get my butt out of bed so we're rocking you guys by 5:30am. Celeste has a human alarm clock in her wonderful husband Mark. Luckily, neither of us have had to resort to these extreme methods:
How do you wake up in the morning? Do you still use a clock radio or alarm clock or do you just use your smartphone? If you're looking for wicked cool way to wake up, download our free RadioPup app. it has an alarm built in. You can set it so you awake every morning to the sounds of the BLM Morning Show! If you do download it let us know what time you get up so we can do a Blimp wake up call shout out to ya! Hit us on on our Twitter or Facebook pages or leave your wake up time below.